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Encouraging Moms

Home Builders


Let's face it! Being a mom is hard. No matter what stage of motherhood you are in, each brings with it unique challenges as well as unique joys. 

Home builders is designed to create a space where mothers can find friendship, fellowship and encouragement. It seeks to do this in four ways.

1. Learning from the Word of God.

 The Bible offers so much wisdom in the area of training and discipling children.

2. Learning from each other.

Sharing together our struggles and victories allows us to gain wisdom from each other.

3. Learning from prayer.

Prayer changes things. Inviting God to intervene in our situations will strengthen us.

4. Learning from fellowship.

Developing intimate relationships with other moms will help us remember we are not alone. There is a wealth of knowledge to be found in each other. 

Afternoon Light

Join us for our next get together!

May 11

10 am

22192 Reynolds Pond Rd

Ellendale, DE 19941

All Moms Welcome!


"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down."

Proverbs 14:1

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