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Lesson 6
Building A Legacy

We may not like to think about it but we all will die someday.  Our earthly lives are not meant to last forever.  In light of this, what do you want people to remember about you when you have gone home to be with our Lord and Savior?  What legacy do you wish to leave?

If you could imagine the gathering to remember you, what words would you like to hear in your eulogy?  After the funeral, what would you like your friends and family to be talking about, to be thinking about?  Ok, you may think that this is a morbid exercise.  You may think it is a selfish thought but I want us to think about the impact our lives are making.

Matthew 6:19-20 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”


Let’s first talk about what is valuable to be remembered.

People could remember our appearance, our occupation, our possessions or how much money we made.  They could talk about the clubs we participated in or the hobbies we had.  They might remember how well decorated our homes were or all the toys we had.  I dare to say that this would be disappointing to me if these were the conversations at my funeral dinner.  

I would rather be remembered by the relationships I had, the kindness I showed,  and the love I had for Jesus.  I would rather hear of how I encouraged someone in their walk with Christ, how I prayed for them through difficult times, how I pointed them to scripture.

In Acts 4 we see Peter and John being detained because they were teaching and healing in the name of Jesus.  As they were questioned about what authority they were doing this, Peter spoke boldly about Jesus and said it was by the name of Jesus that they healed the lame man. He continued to share the gospel and told of Christ’s death and resurrection. 

In verse 13 the scripture says, 

“Now when they beheld the boldness of Peter and John, and they perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.”

Wouldn’t you rather want your friends and family to be talking about how you could always know that “she was with Jesus”?  I sure do!

So I then have to ask myself, am I living in such a way now that will bring about that response when I am gone?  Consider these questions.

Do I every day commune with God and seek the leading of the Holy Spirit?

Do I have an active prayer life?

Do I think in every situation how I can plant a seed for God?

What do I spend my time doing?

Do I spend too much time on frivolous things?

Am I available when others need me?

Can my children say they feel heard?

Do my children see the same person at home the they see in Church?

Do I give scriptural advice or worldly wisdom when asked questions?

What other questions could we ask ourselves to evaluated just how we are doing on storing up for ourselves treasures in heaven?

A wonderful song that I love is the song “Planting Trees” by Andrew Peterson

Play the song from the counting stars album.  It is a great encouragement to moms to keep focused on building a legacy.


Andrew Peterson


We chose the spot

We dug the hole

We laid the maples in the ground

To have and hold


As autumn falls

To winters sleep

We pray that somehow in the spring

The roots grow deep


And many years from now

Long after we are gone

These trees will spread their branches out 

And bless the dawn


He took a plane

To Africa

He gathered up into his arms

An orphan son


So many years from now

Long after we are gone

This tree will spread its branches out

And bless the dawn


So sit down and write that letter

Sign up and join the fight

Sink in to all that matters

Step out into the light


Let go of all that’s passing

Lift up the least of these

Lean into something lasting

Planting trees


She rises up As morning breaks

She moves among these rooms alone

Before we wake



And her heart is so full

It overflows

She waters us with love 

And the children grow


So many years from now

Long after we are gone

These trees will spread their branches out

And bless the dawn


These trees will spread their branches out 

And bless someone

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